Portfolio Statistics

Singapore Portfolio (As at 31 December 2024)

  Ocean Financial Centre1 Marina Bay Financial Centre1,8 One Raffles Quay1 Keppel Bay Tower1

Location 10 Collyer Quay,
Singapore 049315
8, 8A, 10 and 12
Marina Boulevard,
1 Raffles Quay, Singapore 048583 1 HarbourFront Avenue,
Singapore 098632
Title Leasehold interest
of 99 years expiring
13 December 2110
Leasehold estate of 99 years expiring
10 October 21049

Leasehold estate of 99 years expiring
7 March 210610
Leasehold estate of 99 years expiring
12 June 2100
Leasehold estate of
99 years expiring
30 September 2096
Ownership Interest 79.9% 33.3% 33.3% 100%
Acquisition Date 14 December 20116
25 June 20126
15 December 20109
16 December 201410
10 December 2007 18 May 2021
Purchase Price S$1,838.6 million7 S$1,426.8 million9
S$1,248.0 million10
S$941.5 million S$657.2 million
Valuation1,2 S$2,168.5 million
S$3,109 psf
S$1,810.0 million9
S$1,388.0 million10
S$3,157 psf9
S$3,123 psf10
S$1,316.7 million
S$2,976 psf
S$740.0 million
S$1,916 psf
Capitalisation Rate 3.40% 3.25%10,11
3.15% 3.55%
Attributable NLA 697,434 sf
64,793 sm
1,017,696 sf
94,546 sm
442,486 sf
41,108 sm
386,224 sf
35,881 sm
Committed Occupancy 98.4% 98.8% 98.7% 99.3%
FY 2024 Attributable NPI S$75.2 million  S$107.2 million  S$45.2 million  S$27.0 million
Number of Tenants3 79 214 60 34
Principal Tenants4 BNP Paribas,
Drew & Napier,
The Executive Centre
DBS Bank, Standard Chartered Bank, HSBC TikTok, Deutsche Bank, Ernst & Young Keppel,
Pacific Refreshments, Syngenta Asia Pacific
Number of Carpark Lots5 224 1,052 713 179

Australia Portfolio (As at 31 December 2024)

  255 George Street1 8 Chifley Square1 2 Blue Street1 Pinnacle Office Park1 8 Exhibition Street1,15 Victoria Police Centre1
David Malcolm Justice Centre1
Location 255 George Street,
New South Wales
2000, Australia
8 Chifley Square, Sydney, New South Wales 2000, Australia 2 Blue Street,
North Sydney,
New South Wales
2060, Australia
6 Giffnock Avenue, Macquarie Park, New South Wales 2113, Australia 8 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia 311 Spencer Street, Melbourne, Victoria 3000, Australia 28 Barrack Street, Perth, Western Australia 6000, Australia
Title Freehold Leasehold estate of 99 years expiring 5 April 2105 Freehold Freehold Freehold Freehold Leasehold estate of 99 years expiring 30 August 2114
Ownership Interest 50% 50% 100% 100% 50%14 50% 50%
Acquisition Date 9 May 2024 28 July 2011 14 December 2021 31 December 2020 1 August 201316
12 October 201517
31 July 2017 28 March 2013
Purchase Price S$321.0 million
A$363.8 million
S$197.8 million
A$165.0 million
S$316.2 million13
A$334.9 million13
S$289.9 million
A$306.0 million

S$192.4 million16
A$160.2 million16
S$8.9 million17
A$8.6 million17
S$350.1 million
A$347.8 million
S$208.1 million
A$165.0 million
Valuation1,2 S$323.4 million
A$367.5 million
A$18,894 psm
S$185.2 million
A$210.5 million
A$21,707 psm
S$223.5 million
A$254.0 million
A$17,908 psm
S$198.0 million
A$225.0 million
A$6,508 psm
S$245.2 million15
A$278.7 million
A$12,152 psm16
S$356.4 million
A$405.0 million
A$11,971 psm
S$209.4 million
A$238.0 million
A$15,269 psm
Capitalisation Rate 6.50% 5.88%  6.13% 7.25% 5.88%16
5.13% 6.00%
Attributable NLA 209,761 sf
19,487 sm
104,381 sf
9,697 sm
152,132 sf
14,133 sm
329,748 sf14
30,634 sm14
244,520 sf15
22,716 sm15

364,180 sf
33,833 sm

167,784 sf
15,588 sm
Committed Occupancy 91.4% 100.0% 92.1% 94.3% 95.3% 100.0% 100.0%
FY 2024 Attributable NPI S$14.4 million S$8.7 million  S$13.0 million S$13.2 million S$10.1 million S$24.9 million  S$15.0 million
Number of Tenants3 19 9 6 22 28 1 3
Principal Tenants4 Australian Taxation
Office, Bank of
Queensland, Bupa HI
The Reserve Bank
of Australia,
Eltav Investments,
NSW Business
Pacific National,
BBC Studios
Konica Minolta,
Douglas and Mann
Ernst & Young,
Minister for Finance
– State of Victoria
Minister for Works –Government of Western Australia
Number of
Carpark Lots5
188 28 33 758 - 600 195

North Asia Portfolio (As at 31 December 2024)

  T Tower1 KR Ginza II1
Location 30 Sowolro 2-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea 2-15-2, Ginza,
Chuo-ku, Tokyo,
Title Freehold Freehold
Ownership Interest 99.4% 98.5%
Acquisition Date 27 May 2019 30 November 2022
Purchase Price S$292.0 million
KRW 252.6 billion
S$84.4 million
JPY 8.83 billion
Valuation1,2 S$280.9 million
KRW 298.8 billion
KRW 23.9 million/py
S$86.5 million
JPY 9.7 billion
JPY 2.7 million/psm
Capitalisation Rate 4.30% 2.70%
Attributable NLA 226,949 sf
21,084 sm
38,096 sf
3,539 sm
Committed Occupancy 100.0% 100.0%
FY 2024 Attributable NPI S$12.6 million S$2.0 million
Number of Tenants3 21 5
Principal Tenants4 Philips Korea, Korea Medical
Dispute Mediation and
Arbitration Agency,
SK Communications
Net Year Group,
New Rule Lab
Number of Carpark Lots5 292 16
1 Based on Keppel REIT’s interest in the respective properties as at 31 December 2024.
2 Based on the exchange rate of A$1 = S$0.8799, KRW 1,000 = S$0.9400 and JPY 100 = S$0.8915.
3 Tenants located in more than one building are accounted as one tenant.
4 On committed gross rent basis.
5 Refers to all available carpark lots in the respective properties, excluding loading and unloading bays.
6 87.5% interest of the building was acquired on 14 December 2011 and 12.4% interest of the building was acquired on 25 June 2012. 20.0% interest of the building was subsequently divested on 11 Dec 2018.
7 Based on Keppel REIT’s 79.9% of the historical purchase price.
8 Comprises Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC) Tower 1, 2 and 3 and Marina Bay Link Mall (MBLM).
9 Refers to MBFC Tower 1 and 2 as well as MBLM.
10 Refers to MBFC Tower 3.
11 Refers to MBFC Tower 1 and 2.
12 Refers to MBLM.
13 Includes a purchase price adjustment of A$7.4 million paid in 2024. Based on a blended exchange rate of A$1 = S$0.9442.
14 Excludes 6 Giffnock Avenue (Building D) which is currently undergoing asset enhancement works.
15 Keppel REIT owns a 50% interest in the 8 Exhibition Street office building and a 100% interest in the three adjacent retail units.
16 Refers to Keppel REIT’s 50% interest in the office building.
17 Refers to Keppel REIT’s 100% interest in the three adjacent retail units.